Friday, February 27, 2009

Amish Type Thing

January 6th is Old Christmas. If you ask an amish person why they celebrate it, they will just say..."that's the way it's always been." They don't know why they do the things they do.

You can tell that picture isn't real because the lady in the purple dress is wearing a black bonnet. But Amish kids aren't completely out of the loop, they have their own prom also as you can see below...

But they don't call it prom, they call it Night Church

I Can Have Internet Thoughts And Opinions Too!

Well, it pains me to do this but I'm afraid I have to roast facebook...

Do you ever sit around and think to yourself..."I wonder what that kid who used to sit next to me in jr. high English class is having for lunch today?" Aw facebook, it will help resolve that kind of ominous and unnecessary curiosity. I guess you could say the reason I don't use facebook is because I do some other things like standing up and going outside. Remember TV? Dim lights, popcorn, soda, entertainment? We had ways to be lazy perfected then facebook had to go and ruin everything. Now we're just being lazy and creepy.

I think facebook should change their title to, "Hey Look, Everyone Got Fat."

So why not spend your time seeing what your old roomate's plans are for the weekend? Hell, I don't think I could sleep at night without knowing! And who knows, maybe your Mom's co-worker will get that car she test drove the other day (but if you read her husband's blog you'd know he's having second thoughts). And why hasn't that lady from the bank posted anything since lunch??? Aw man, I hope she's not hurt she always post at 12:45 on the dot. Think I should call? I'll call....
She's ok...woop, she's posted a comment saying I called...HA! Oh hold on, I have to tell some girl from my sisters class how old my kids are....dehumanizing a little?

So now I'm doin the old fashion country boy blog, just like the good ol' days.

Anyone else feel like there's an elephant in the room?