Friday, February 19, 2010

Quit Flying Planes Into Buildings

Guess who I don't like anymore? Well he's smelly and has a huge chin . . . .that's right, Jay Leno. That's all I am going to say on the matter. My Ma & Pa raised me to be polite.

So anyway I was taking a dump today when I realized that winter may never end. I think we could be stuck here in this frozen tundra forever. Global warming my butt.

Which bike do you think is better?

The toilet bike . . .
Or Pee Wee Herman's bike?

Or . . .


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back Jeremy! Mom

Kathie said...

I would definitely like to have Pee Wee's bike (girls, of course).

mrsfredknapp said...

Pee wee. without a doubt.