Monday, March 02, 2009

The Monday That Smelled...

So Monday was a total drag. A man came into work drunk and that always makes the day not go as well as it normally would. When you get a drunk guy you get smell, loud, mean, happy, smell, arrogant, mean, smell smell, and tired all in one! Did I mention the smell? It was very cold this morning so that just added to the Monday expierience. (We spend some time outside, we're at one with nature).
This Kitten Ate The Moon-Flower Seeds

Well like the former President I'm not going to finish my. . .


Anonymous said...

Hope your Tuesday was better!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to put up with that guy and ditto what your mom said!

Judy said...

Another pooch bites the dust.

Jeremy, you are so much funnier than Brant, and he gets paid! Go back to school and take his job away from him!