Monday, March 09, 2009

One Day Pampers Will Rule The World

Remember the other day we discussed how horrible Hardee's commercials are? Well, instead of just sitting around complaining about it I'm really going to e-mail them, it's going to go like this...

To Whom It May Concern:

When I think about breakfast I don't want to see milk released from 5 foot in the air into a bowl of flour sitting on the ground. That is very messy and unnecessary. Who's going to clean that up? Are you going to make my breakfast out of that dirty crap?

The commercial where the dude bakes and all his friends look at him like an ass because "men don't bake." I bake, I'm a dude, what of it? Or are you only trying to apply to those people who don't understand (HOT + FOOD = HOT FOOD)?

Nobody cares if you use Angus beef or not, it's still too expensive.

Your commercials are so manly but your employees are two giggling sophomore girls and one nerd who's face is greasier than the half pound burger.

It saddens me to see a man licking cheese off a cheeseburger wrapper. I'm so glad this is how Hardee's views the American public. Seems like a giant middle finger to me.


I will send the letter If they respond I will paste it to my blog. We'll see...

But Enough About Annoying Commercials...Look Who's Crawling...

The dog food and the stairs. Two places we don't want him of course that's where he wants to travel the most. That's ok, the other two are really good about helping with that kind of thing. But when we have to take something away from him...oh my.

One more thing before we end today's blog . . . don't you think Julia Roberts is sooooo freakin' annoying? Does she have to laugh hysterically in every movie? And do they have to use those scenes to promote the movie so that I'm forced to see them? Food for thought.


Anonymous said...

Dad and I loved watching Max crawl. Hope your day off went well.

Bobbie said...

Aww, my Maxamillion!!! I haven't eaten at Hardee's in forever because I'd rather go to Chili's if I'm gonna pay seven dollars for a hamburger. Have a good night pookie!