Monday, March 30, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Not To Eat Mexican Food In America

10). Mud - Butt

9). You're the afraid the cook is going to ask you about your truck.

8). You wonder if they're just using the "Employees Must Wash Hands" sign to be facetious.

7). The waitress will probably be a white high school girl.

6). You might panic when they ask you if you want corn or flower tortillas.

5). Now you are really really wondering if they're just using the "Employees Must Wash Hands" sign to be facetious.

4). I mean, criminal records speak for themselves right?

3). They might look at you and then speak Spanish amongst each other, which of course means they're mocking you in the worst way.

2). The skillet cookie is made from lamb.

1). They aren't really strict on the whole "Come with your kids, leave with your kids" policy.

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