Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dinosaurs Were Never Real

Now some people say that dinosaurs are real but I think this picture clearly proves that they are not. First of all, all of those different dinosaurs wouldn't be getting along, they'd battle! And is that brown dinosaur breast feeding it's baby? And not to be picky but it looks like that rainbow doesn't fall under "ROY G BIV" standards.

All they've found of these so called "dinosaurs" are bones. Pfffff .... bones, what does that tell us? There once was a large animal, that's all. How do we know that dinosaurs didn't have layers of thick fur? Well, you want a real animal that really exists? How's about LLAMA!
Well, normally I don't like using other people's videos for for my blog but this motorcycle commercial is just too awesome to not let other people see it...

Song on my Mp3 player - "Fire Marengo" by "Bellowhead"


Anonymous said...

Dad liked it alot. It was funny. Have a great evening.

Bobbie said...

That was hi-larious. Roy liked it so much that he downloaded some more of their commercials from youtube. Love ya