Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well, the kids and I were planning on attacking my wife with a bunch of water balloons. However, I tossed one over my head and it hit her in the face and knocked her shades off...and because I thought it would be a much happier outcome so I filmed it . . .

So what have we learned here today kids? Water balloons can disappoint someone if not handled properly. That advice could save your life someday.

But hey on the bright side, look who's riding his bike by himself!


Anonymous said...

Matt looks good on his bike. Looks like the kids had fun with the water balloons. Have a great evening.

Bobbie said...

Rachel is getting a lot of presents when she goes to heaven! Give Matt a hug for me and tell him good job!

Judy said...

Way to go, Matt! You have such a neat yard and drive for the kids to play. Well, ALL you kids:)