Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sharting - To Try And Fart But Instead Poop

Aw poop jokes, they will never get old.
An Amish guy at work always says on his way to crap...
"I have to go drop the kids off a the pool."
Cracks me up every time.
Speaking of Amish, Arthur is getting a Subway!
So I made this sign...

Well Monday's are terrible. So terrible in fact they almost ruin Sunday night. But if it weren't for the work week we would not appreciate weekends at all. AND if I didn't work at all I'd probably be very fat. (But as you can tell from the photo above that is just simply not the case...and I'm talking about the muscle photo above not the Amish one, and if I WERE Amish I wouldn't wear John Lennon shades). Speaking of which, I wonder if they'll have a special sandwich at sub-way just for the Amish... hmmm... let's see...

It would have to have only one slice of bread on the bottom and none on top 'cause they conserve bread that way. When I asked one why they did that he replied "Nobody needs that much bread." Point taken...anyway, the sandwich... Head cheese of course! That's it...just head cheese and bread and maybe some ice tea.

I told the kids to quit putting the dog in the microwave.

Then they let the cat in the liquor cabinet.

Those Kids

I set it so people could comment...and now it's not letting them. So, I dunno, must be friday at Blogger. If you HAVE to get a hold of me it's


Bobbie said...

Hi pookie! I like the pictures, but the muscle one of you is still the scariest. Hope your Monday went fast! Love ya!

Kathie said...

The cat and dog pics are hilarious!