Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Take Me Out To The...Well You Can't Take Me Anywhere Because I'm Too Fat

Anytime anyone is ever feeling a little dissatisfied with their physical appearance. . . just take a gander at this fat bastard. Do you think in grade school he wrote, "I want to be the world's fattest man."? So it's basically just a tiny head on top of Jupiter.
He probably had to call in fat to work.
His wife feeds him and baths him. I think we all have a question for her...WHY? I mean he literally lies in bed and craps and she comes and cleans it up. His only disability is being fat. He's not too young, too old, or retarded...nope, just lazy. I think his wife may be the retarded one.
In a documentary on him he said he can eat 27 pork chops in one sitting. And I thought "Uh yeah, I'm mean look at'im."
What's he doin' on a computer? Probably surfin the web for some sort of tube device he can just jam into himself and have a constant stream of food comin' in at all times.
They had to remove the roof of his house and use equipment from Sea World to get him to a hospital.
So don't spend another minute wondering if you should or shouldn't have a snack, just eat. Because you will never ever be as revolting as this guy.


Mike said...

He acts like he's proud of it too, thats the fucked up part, he thinks he's a celebrity!

JP said...

I agree Sir Otin. Anymore, being a celebrity pretty much means you're borderline retarded anyway.