Friday, March 06, 2009

Throw The Horse Over The Fence Some Hay

I think it's time to discuss which commercials are the worst again...

I think Hardee's is still in the lead for having the most annoying commercials. I still have images of paris hilton rubbing a cheeseburger against her crotch in my memory unfortunately. Then they have that oh so annoying monotone narrator. It's most usually a guy or a girl eating a burger like a pig and getting it all over themselves and being proud of it. And by the way, skinny little blond bimbos are not the people who eat one pound burgers. It's people like this...
That's right, this woman is responsible for the 10 double cheeseburger limit per order! Not that most people would ever want that, but you know they don't put that sign up without a reason. Maybe if Rosie would quit eating at Hardee's her new shows would last more than one episode. Snap. Oh yeah she's mean too.

But, coming in at a strong second would have to be the geico commercials...


Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Hardees either. I sure enjoyed the picture of max. Mom

Bobbie said...

Hope you're having a good night! Kiss those kiddos!